Unveiling the Extraordinary Family Secrets in 'Über das Unbehagen zu wohnen'

Step into the enchanting world of 'Über das Unbehagen zu wohnen' (About the Discomfort of Living) by the Frankfurt group andpartnersincrime. In this intimate performance, theater director Eleonora L. Herder invites us into her home, unraveling the intricate and extraordinary stories of her own family. Brace yourself for a journey through time as we delve into the lives of restless expats, complex relationships, and unspoken secrets. Get ready to be captivated by this probing and touching performance that will leave you pondering the complexities of family history.

Unveiling the Family's Restless Expats

Discover the fascinating stories of Eleonora Herder's family, who were known as restless expats. Explore their journey and the sacrifices they made in search of freedom and a sense of belonging.

Unveiling the Extraordinary Family Secrets in 'Über das Unbehagen zu wohnen' - 1725724159

Eleonora Herder's family, hailing mainly from Italy, were no ordinary expats. They were restless, constantly seeking new adventures and freedom from possessions. Her mother, in particular, gave up everything to pursue a life of travel and liberation, except for one cherished item - her great-grandfather's secretary desk.

Step into the intimate performance and experience the cramped yet fitting venue that reflects the essence of the family's story. As the audience, you'll be transported to a world where high ceilings, creaking parquet floors, and a chandelier set the stage for a captivating journey through time.

Unspoken Secrets and Complex Relationships

Delve into the unspoken secrets and complex relationships within Eleonora Herder's family. Explore the intricate dynamics between her great-grandparents, their connections to the Nazi regime, and the surprising friendships that endured amidst the chaos.

Eleonora Herder's family history is filled with untold stories and concealed truths. Discover the intriguing tale of Hans Magnus and his wife Heidi, who fled to Sicily as Jews during a perilous time in northern Italy. Uncover the shocking revelations surrounding Wilhelm Marschall von Bieberstein, a fervent Nazi pilot known as 'Emir'.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the performance is the unexpected friendship between Mady, the wife of a Nazi, and Heidi, the widow of a Jew. Witness the correspondence that delicately navigates the complexities of their shared history.

The Search for Simon: A Tragic Loss

Join Eleonora Herder on her quest to uncover the truth about her uncle Simon, who tragically took his own life. Experience the emotional journey as she unravels the mysteries surrounding his existence and discovers unexpected connections to historical events.

Simon's story is a poignant one, and Eleonora Herder's determination to find answers is both inspiring and heart-wrenching. With only one photo and no trace of a farewell letter, she embarks on a mission to uncover the truth.

Through her research and the help of a friend, Petra, Eleonora gains insight into Simon's life as a rebellious young man influenced by the events of 1968. The unexpected connection to John Paul Getty III's kidnapping adds another layer of intrigue to Simon's story.

Uncovering Family Secrets: Mental Health and Memory

Explore the impact of mental health and memory within Eleonora Herder's family. Discover the challenges faced by her mother's siblings, the complexities of memory, and the ongoing quest for understanding.

Mental health plays a significant role in Eleonora Herder's family, with two of her mother's siblings developing schizophrenia. Delve into the impact of this condition and the unique challenges it presents.

Eleonora also explores the complexities of memory within her family. While her mother claims to have a bad memory, Eleonora's suspicions arise. Join her as she uncovers one truth while another remains elusive.

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