Unveiling the Shocking and Thought-Provoking Comedy: 'Barbecue'

Prepare to be amazed by 'Barbecue,' a captivating comedy that pushes boundaries and sparks conversations. Directed by the talented Jaylen Marks, this thought-provoking play will keep you on the edge of your seat. With literal and figurative shocks, 'Barbecue' delves into family power dynamics and race relations in a highly entertaining way. Join us at The West Side Show Room in Rockford for an unforgettable experience.

A Captivating Premise: The O'Mallery Family's Barbecue

Discover the initial premise of 'Barbecue' and the gathering of the O'Mallery family. Uncover the underlying tensions and the much-needed conversation about drug use.

'Barbecue' kicks off with a seemingly simple premise: the O'Mallery family coming together for a barbecue in a public park. However, beneath the surface lies a web of tension and unresolved issues. The family intends to confront their sister Barbara about her drug use, setting the stage for a thought-provoking and surprising journey.

As the play unfolds, the audience is taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions and unexpected twists. The initial scene ends with a blackout, leaving the audience in suspense. When the lights come back up, the O'Mallery family reappears in the same park, but with a significant change - the cast is now Black instead of white. This shift sets the stage for deeper explorations of family dynamics and race relations.

Unveiling Layers of Conversation and Adversities

Delve into the complexities of 'Barbecue' and the multitude of topics it addresses. Explore the layers of conversation, adversities, and power dynamics within the play.

'Barbecue' is not just a surface-level comedy; it delves into profound topics and challenges the audience to reflect on their internal biases. Director Jaylen Marks describes the show as having layers upon layers of conversation and adversities. As the audience engages with the play, they will uncover thought-provoking themes related to family power dynamics and race power dynamics in our country.

The show combines entertainment with social commentary, creating a unique and impactful experience. The more you think about 'Barbecue,' the more realizations you will have about the complexities of the characters and the societal issues they represent. It's a comedy that goes beyond the surface and leaves a lasting impression.

The Genius of Robert O'Hara's Writing

Explore the brilliance of Robert O'Hara's writing and the impact it has had on audiences. Learn about the accolades the play has received and the significance of seeing it multiple times.

'Barbecue' was written by Robert O'Hara, a renowned playwright who has been recognized with the NAACP Best Play and Best Director Awards. His writing captivates audiences and sparks conversations about important social issues. The play debuted in New York in 2015, receiving critical acclaim for its thought-provoking narrative and unique storytelling approach.

One of the fascinating aspects of 'Barbecue' is that seeing it multiple times offers a deeper understanding of the play's intricacies. Each viewing allows the audience to unravel the layers and fully grasp the brilliance of O'Hara's writing. It's an opportunity to appreciate the nuances and fully absorb the impact of the play's message.

Making Theater Accessible to All

Learn about the partnership behind 'Barbecue' and the commitment to making theater accessible to everyone. Discover how The West Side Show Room and its community-driven approach contribute to an educated and informed society.

'Barbecue' is produced in partnership with Eight Fifteen Capital, a capital investment company known for its commitment to supporting the arts. The West Side Show Room, where the play is performed, is a Public Access Theater that believes in making theater accessible to all. Through donations and grants, including support from The Community Foundation of Northern Illinois, the theater offers free admission to 'Barbecue' and operates on a membership program that rewards donors.

The West Side Show Room's belief in the importance of accessible theater stems from the idea that the performing arts contribute to an educated and informed society. By providing free access to 'Barbecue' and other productions, they foster a sense of partnership with the community, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to engage with thought-provoking and entertaining performances.

Don't Miss Out on 'Barbecue'

Mark your calendars and secure your tickets for 'Barbecue.' Find out when and where the play will be performed and make sure you don't miss this captivating and eye-opening experience.

'Barbecue' will be performed at The West Side Show Room in Rockford from October 13th to October 29th. The play promises to be a rollercoaster of emotions, laughter, and introspection. Make sure to mark your calendars and secure your tickets for this highly anticipated production.

Whether you're a theater enthusiast or simply looking for a unique and thought-provoking experience, 'Barbecue' is not to be missed. Join us at The West Side Show Room and be prepared to laugh, reflect, and engage with a play that pushes boundaries and sparks important conversations.


'Barbecue' is a must-see play that combines laughter, introspection, and societal commentary. With its unexpected twists and thought-provoking themes, it challenges audiences to reflect on family dynamics and race relations. Directed by Jaylen Marks and written by Robert O'Hara, this captivating comedy pushes boundaries and leaves a lasting impression. Don't miss the opportunity to experience 'Barbecue' at The West Side Show Room in Rockford and be part of the conversation.


Is 'Barbecue' suitable for all audiences?

While 'Barbecue' is a comedy, it addresses mature themes and contains some strong language. It may not be suitable for young children or those who are sensitive to explicit content. However, it offers a unique and thought-provoking experience for mature audiences.

How can I reserve tickets for 'Barbecue'?

Reserving tickets for 'Barbecue' is easy. Simply visit The West Side Show Room's website or contact their box office for more information. Remember, admission to the play is free, but donations are accepted to support the theater's mission of making theater accessible to all.

Can I see 'Barbecue' more than once?

Absolutely! In fact, seeing 'Barbecue' multiple times can enhance your understanding of the play. Each viewing allows you to uncover new layers and appreciate the brilliance of Robert O'Hara's writing. You'll gain a deeper appreciation for the complexities of the characters and the societal issues they represent.

What other productions are offered by The West Side Show Room?

The West Side Show Room offers a diverse range of productions throughout the year. From thought-provoking plays to musical performances, there's something for everyone. Check their website or contact the theater for information on upcoming shows and events.

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