The Untold Story of Larry Gelbart: Creator of M*A*S*H and His Surprising Departure

Have you ever wondered what led to the departure of Larry Gelbart, the brilliant mind behind the iconic TV series M*A*S*H? In this article, we delve into Gelbart's surprising decision to walk away from the show and explore the reasons behind it. Join us as we uncover the untold story of Gelbart's journey and the impact it had on one of the most beloved sitcoms of all time.

The Disappointing Ratings and Gelbart's Mental State

Explore the decline in ratings for M*A*S*H and Larry Gelbart's mental and physical condition during that time.

At the conclusion of its fourth season in 1976, M*A*S*H experienced a disappointing drop in the Nielsen ratings, ranking fourteenth compared to its previous fourth and fifth positions. However, the blame did not lie with the show itself. CBS's puzzling time slot shuffling, moving M*A*S*H from Tuesday to Friday, played a significant role in the decline. This shift led to a precipitous decline in the series' audience.

Meanwhile, behind the scenes, Larry Gelbart, the series creator, was facing his own struggles. Gelbart, despite the show's enormous success, was mentally and physically drained. He confided in Perry Lafferty, the vice president of entertainment at CBS, that he was in poor shape during that period, appearing haggard, obsessed, and possessed.

Gelbart's Decision to Walk Away

Uncover Gelbart's reasons for deciding to leave the hit series, despite its critical acclaim and success.

Despite the lobbying from the show's cast and crew, Gelbart made the surprising decision to walk away from M*A*S*H. He expressed his frustration with being solely associated with the series and desired to explore other avenues of expression. Gelbart wanted to avoid being confined to writing for the same set of characters and yearned to build on his previous successes.

He departed from the show with no anger or conflict, emphasizing that he had been treated respectfully by everyone involved. Gelbart believed that he had given his best and worst to M*A*S*H and everything in between, and he was ready to move on.

Gelbart's Post-M*A*S*H Journey

Follow Gelbart's journey after leaving M*A*S*H and discover his subsequent successes.

Two years after his departure, Gelbart received an Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay for the George Burns blockbuster 'Oh, God!' This recognition affirmed his talent and creativity outside of M*A*S*H. He continued to make waves in the industry, with his screenplay for 'Tootsie' being highly acclaimed, although it narrowly missed out on the award.

While Gelbart stumbled with the 'AfterMASH' spinoff, he bounced back with an Emmy-nominated script for the HBO movie 'Barbarians at the Gate.' Despite not explicitly winning major awards for his writing, Gelbart's contributions to the entertainment industry were undeniable.

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