Rachel Leviss Auctions Off Scandoval Affair Memorabilia: Moving On or Saying Good Riddance?

Rachel Leviss, the star of the Bravo reality series, is bidding farewell to her scandalous past by auctioning off items related to her affair with Tom Sandoval, famously known as Scandoval. In this article, we explore Leviss' decision to let go of these memorabilia and the cause she is supporting with the proceeds.

The Symbolic Necklace: A Reminder of the Past

Rachel Leviss auctions off the lightning bolt necklace that symbolized her devotion to Tom Sandoval. Explore the significance of this necklace and Leviss' decision to let go.

Rachel Leviss is parting ways with a significant piece of her past - the lightning bolt necklace that she bought to match Tom Sandoval's. This necklace, which became a symbol of her devotion to Sandoval, is now up for auction. Originally purchased for $765, the bidding for this necklace has already surpassed $2000.

Leviss reflects on the meaning behind this necklace, describing it as a representation of the power she once allowed someone else to have over her. However, she is now reclaiming her own power by letting go of this reminder of her past. The auction of this symbolic necklace marks a turning point in Leviss' journey towards moving on from the affair.

The Infamous Hoodies: A Bold Statement

Rachel Leviss puts up for auction the infamous hoodies she wore during BravoCon 2022. Delve into the significance of these hoodies and their connection to the scandalous affair.

Another item up for auction is the infamous three-tone topaz on black TomTom hoodie that Leviss wore during BravoCon 2022. This hoodie holds a special place in Leviss' story, as it is the same style she boldly gave to someone else on WWHL the night everything unraveled.

Leviss acknowledges that she cannot rewrite history, but she can use these hoodies, which have become a part of her darkest days, towards a good cause. The bidding for these hoodies has already reached an impressive $7,200, with all proceeds going to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).

Turning Darkness into Light: Supporting Mental Health

Discover how Rachel Leviss is using her past experiences to support a worthy cause. Learn about the organization benefiting from the auction proceeds.

Rachel Leviss is determined to turn her darkest days into a source of light by using the proceeds from the auction to support a cause close to her heart - the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). NAMI is a non-profit organization that provides educational programs and advocates for individuals and families affected by mental illness.

Leviss's decision to donate the auction proceeds to NAMI reflects her personal journey and the importance of mental health awareness. By supporting this organization, Leviss hopes to make a positive impact and raise awareness about the challenges faced by those affected by mental illness.

A Journey of Healing: Moving Forward

Explore Rachel Leviss' journey of healing and self-discovery. Learn about her decision to prioritize her mental health and the steps she has taken towards moving forward.

Amid the fallout from the scandalous affair, Rachel Leviss made the courageous decision to prioritize her mental health. Before the affair went public, she sought solace and support in a mental health facility, taking the necessary steps towards healing and self-discovery.

Leviss's journey serves as a reminder of the importance of self-care and seeking help when needed. Her decision to auction off items from her past signifies her determination to move forward and leave the pain behind. Through her actions, Leviss inspires others to prioritize their own well-being and embrace a brighter future.


Rachel Leviss' decision to auction off items from her scandalous past, including the symbolic lightning bolt necklace and the infamous hoodies, marks a significant turning point in her journey of healing and self-discovery. By letting go of these reminders of her affair with Tom Sandoval, Leviss is reclaiming her power and moving forward towards a brighter future.

Furthermore, Leviss is using the proceeds from the auction to support the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), highlighting the importance of mental health awareness and advocacy. Her actions serve as an inspiration for others to prioritize their well-being and seek help when needed.

Through her courageous choices, Leviss is transforming her darkest days into an opportunity for growth and positive change. Her story reminds us that we have the power to shape our own narratives and embrace a brighter future.

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