Provocative Comedy Night with Alex Stein Returns to Penn State

Right-wing comedian Alex Stein is set to make a return to Penn State for a politically provocative comedy night. Hosted by the Penn State-affiliated club Uncensored America, this event promises to be an evening of laughter and thought-provoking dialogue. Read on to learn more about Stein, the event, and the controversy surrounding his previous appearance at the university.

The Controversial Return of Alex Stein

Learn about the highly anticipated return of right-wing comedian Alex Stein to Penn State and the controversy surrounding his previous appearance.

After a tumultuous previous appearance, right-wing comedian Alex Stein is making a controversial return to Penn State. The event, hosted by the Penn State-affiliated club Uncensored America, promises to be politically provocative and thought-provoking.

Stein's previous appearance at Penn State was marred by violence and protests, leading to the cancellation of the show. However, this has only heightened anticipation for his return, with many curious to see how the event will unfold.

Despite the controversy, Uncensored America has defended their decision to bring Stein back, citing their constitutional right to host the event on campus. The university has also expressed support for free speech while ensuring the safety of all attendees.

What to Expect at the Comedy Night

Get ready for a night of politically charged comedy and engaging dialogue with Alex Stein and his surprise guests at Penn State.

The comedy night featuring Alex Stein at Penn State promises to be a unique and memorable experience. Stein, known for his right-wing views and provocative humor, will be joined by a few surprise guests, adding to the excitement of the event.

The format of the show will include not only stand-up comedy but also question-and-answer segments, allowing for a back-and-forth dialogue between Stein and the audience. This interactive element aims to create a space for students to engage with the issues discussed and challenge their own beliefs.

Uncensored America, the Penn State-affiliated club hosting the event, anticipates a diverse audience consisting of students, faculty, and community members. The event is expected to spark lively discussions and encourage attendees to think deeper about the pressing issues facing America today.

The Controversy Surrounding Stein's Previous Appearance

Discover the events that led to the cancellation of Alex Stein's previous show at Penn State and the ongoing debate over free speech on campus.

Alex Stein's previous appearance at Penn State was met with protests and violence, ultimately leading to the cancellation of the show. The university cited concerns over escalating violence as the reason for their decision.

During the previous event, at least one student was arrested, and chaos ensued as protesters clashed with supporters of Stein. The comedian himself was spat on, and physical altercations broke out, further escalating tensions.

Penn State initially defended the event, citing the constitutional right to free speech. However, due to safety concerns, the university ultimately decided to cancel the show and ensure the safe departure of Stein and his fellow comedian, Gavin McInnes.

The cancellation sparked a debate over free speech on campus, with some arguing that Uncensored America's right to host the event should be protected, while others expressed concerns about the potential for violence and the promotion of controversial views.

Funding and Preparation for the Event

Learn about the financial support provided to Uncensored America and the preparations being made to ensure a safe and successful event.

The University Park Allocation Committee (UPAC) has provided financial support to Uncensored America for the event. The committee allocated $7,774.21, which includes a speaker fee of $7,000, to ensure the successful hosting of Alex Stein at Penn State.

Uncensored America is already in contact with Penn State Police to ensure the safety and security of the event. The club anticipates a turnout of approximately 100 students and 40 faculty and community members, creating an engaging and diverse audience.

The funding and preparations for the event highlight the commitment of both Uncensored America and Penn State to uphold free speech while prioritizing the safety and well-being of all attendees.


The return of right-wing comedian Alex Stein to Penn State for a politically provocative comedy night has generated significant controversy and anticipation. Despite the previous event's cancellation due to violence, Uncensored America is determined to uphold free speech while ensuring the safety of all attendees. This event provides an opportunity for engaging dialogue and challenges everyone to think deeper about the pressing issues facing America today.


Will the event be safe considering the previous violence?

Efforts are being made to ensure the safety and security of the event. Uncensored America is working closely with Penn State Police to maintain a safe environment for all attendees.

What can attendees expect from Alex Stein's comedy show?

Attendees can expect a night of politically charged comedy and thought-provoking dialogue. Stein's unique style and interactive question-and-answer segments will create an engaging and memorable experience.

Why did Penn State decide to cancel the previous event?

Penn State cited concerns over escalating violence and the safety of all individuals involved as the primary reasons for canceling the previous event.

What is the significance of Uncensored America's funding for the event?

The financial support provided by the University Park Allocation Committee (UPAC) highlights the commitment of both Uncensored America and Penn State to uphold free speech and ensure the successful hosting of Alex Stein.

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