HSC English Exam: Students Grapple with Apricots and Main Character Energy

In the recent HSC English exam, students were faced with thought-provoking questions that delved into the significance of apricots and the concept of 'main character energy'. This article explores the experiences of HSC students as they grappled with these topics and provides insights into their interpretations and reactions.

The Significance of Apricots in HSC English Exam

Explore the perplexing references to apricots in the HSC English exam and the students' reactions.

One of the thought-provoking aspects of the HSC English exam was the inclusion of a poem titled 'Being Here' by Vincent O'Sullivan, which featured references to apricots. Some students found themselves grappling with the significance of these references, leading to mixed reactions and interpretations.

While some students felt perplexed and struggled to comprehend the poem, others saw it as an opportunity to delve deeper into the themes of the text. The inclusion of apricots in the poem sparked discussions about the importance of living in the present moment and the potential distractions posed by the pursuit of physical evidence of past events.

Unraveling the Concept of 'Main Character Energy'

Discover the intriguing concept of 'main character energy' and its relevance in the HSC English exam.

An opinion piece by Eleanor Robertson provided HSC students with an opportunity to explore the concept of 'main character energy' and its prevalence in modern times. This notion, which refers to individuals shaping their personal narratives as if they were reality television personalities, sparked interesting discussions among students.

Some students drew connections to popular reality TV shows and reflected on the self-centered nature of contemporary conversations. The concept of 'main character energy' prompted students to consider the impact of individualism on community engagement and the broader society.

Student Perspectives and Interpretations

Gain insights into the interpretations and reactions of HSC students towards the exam questions.

Students from St Marys Senior High School in Sydney's west shared their perspectives on the exam questions. Neha Prasad, for instance, saw the poem as a reflection on the preoccupation with capturing physical evidence of past events, while also emphasizing the importance of living in the present and appreciating the natural environment.

Other students, such as Joshua Cinco, found the essay question to be familiar and easily adaptable to their prepared essay. Jasmine Sabaten expressed surprise at the absence of images in the exam paper, which had been a common feature in previous years.

These diverse perspectives highlight the varied interpretations and experiences of HSC students as they navigated the exam questions.

Navigating the Essay Question

Explore the essay question in the HSC English exam and students' approaches to crafting their responses.

The final part of the exam required students to answer an essay question related to a play or novel they had studied. Joshua Cinco found the question to be similar to previous HSC exams, allowing him to utilize his pre-prepared essay and finish the exam early.

While some students, like Parker Mahoney, faced challenges due to exam nerves, they still managed to write insightful essays. Mahoney appreciated the opportunity to explore a wide range of ideas in response to the question.

English Teachers Association of NSW president Eva Gold emphasized the importance of analyzing the question itself and focusing on the extent to which a text can ignite ideas. This highlights the need for students to carefully consider the question and tailor their responses accordingly.

Reflections and Anticipation

Reflect on the experiences of HSC students and the anticipation of receiving their results.

As the HSC exams continue, students eagerly await their results and ATAR. The exam experience has been a mix of challenges, interpretations, and insights for HSC students across the state.

With 124 exams taking place over the next 18 days, students can look forward to the culmination of their efforts on December 14 when they receive their HSC results. This marks the end of their high school journey and the beginning of new opportunities.


The HSC English exam presented students with thought-provoking challenges, including the significance of apricots and the concept of 'main character energy'. Students grappled with these topics, offering diverse interpretations and insights into the texts they encountered.

Despite initial confusion and exam nerves, students approached the essay question with preparedness and adaptability. The exam experience provided an opportunity for self-reflection and exploration of ideas, showcasing the depth of understanding and critical thinking skills of HSC students.

As students eagerly await their results and ATAR, they can reflect on their high school journey and the growth they have experienced. The HSC exams mark a significant milestone in their lives, opening doors to new opportunities and further academic pursuits.

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